Slow Down to Speed Up

The paradox of slowing down, to speed up.

When you think you are ready to move your focus from the revenue blocks to the control blocks (see my How to Grow Your Business Video if that doesn't make sense) and hand over more responsibilities to your team, make sure that your systems and processes are developed, and your instructions are clear, detailed and in place - first!

If we try to scale-up on a rocky foundation, we're just going to get a bigger mess. Slow down, put systems in place, and 'grow' into Level 6 'Managing Managers'. You can't just jump ahead! Make consistent progress rather than trying to leap forward only to end up sliding backwards. Slow down, to speed up, and focus on growth.

Watch the video to find more.

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~ Lance


How To Grow Your Business

business growth strategy Aug 12, 2019

There are a MILLION things that you need to do as business owner to grow your business... so where do you start???  Well... here!   

In this video I outline exactly how you can determine where to focus your time and energy - you only have so much - so you can successfully grow your business.  I also explain how this changes as your business evolves.

Re-watch this video every few months... Make sure you're investing your time and energy into the 'right' areas of your business for the 'stage' you are in!


50% Complete

Two Step

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